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The audience in Social Media: What is it and how does it work?

What is?

The audience in Social Media is undoubtedly the key factor of success decant the balance of your social media strategy. It will depend on your reach, influence, and business opportunities. But, what exactly is the audience when speaking in strictly digital terms?

The audience is a metric count and represents the total number of followers of a community. For the Facebook platform is the total number of fans in the total number of Twitter followers and YouTube the total number of subscribers to the channel. The activity of this audience will set the strategic direction of branded content. But before defining the purely strategic aspect of our presence in Social Media, you should identify the actual volume of alienated our business model to users. That is, the number of fans who can come or who may be interested in our content. To do this, it is essential to differentiate between the concepts of potential and actual audience audience.

The potential audience is formed by any user who is likely to follow a brand or profile while the real audience are users who follow a brand (users already have in our circle of influence). The sum of these two audiences defines the boundaries of a mark in the network.

How it works?

This sum of two, which does not always require parity, resulting in a heterogeneous contour map and, therefore, of diverse performances. Unlike traditional target that acts and moves from same stimuli, all changes in the network. The content strategy and tone of communication must be ductile and have the ability to cross the barrier of the specification. But above all, they should never lose their appeal, since the content is and will claim to entice the user.

The activity of the audience with a brand -generated content, determine the status of a community and its supporters: active or passive. Cases in which the audience responds positively to the content and constantly interacts with the brand called active communities. In the best of situations, generate brand engagement or get loyalty of his followers. Conversely, if users do not respond to stimuli released by a brand and therefore do not generate activity around we face a passive audience. In these cases, the best solution is usually a rethinking of content strategy.

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